
Thursday 23 April 2015

T is for Turtle

Trollbeads (a brand of beadmaker) have made glass, silver and amber Turtle beads.  I think they must really like Turtles!

The pic below is of the Trollbeads silver turtle bead that was bought for me by my friend Alison as a surprise present, I treasure this bead!

The carved amber turtle bead was part of a limited release of carved amber beads and I was lucky enough to snap one up when I found it.

Can you make out the carved Turtle on the middle bead of the bangle?

However my favourite glass Turtle bead is not the Trollbeads version but one made by an artisan beadmaker - Christa from Luccicare.

When you're Addicted to Beads, it's fun to look at ALL the different beadmakers and not just the big brands.

Which of the turtle beads is your favourite?
and / or
If you were going to name a Turtle, what would you call him or her?


  1. Those are beautiful. Glass or stones are my favorite. Not much for man-made materials, and I'm allergic to any non-silver or non-gold. The silver turtle is really special!

  2. I. Need. To. Have. That. Turtle. Bead.

    1. I first saw this comment on my phone, made me giggle ;)

      Mars xx

  3. I, too, am addicted to beads. Especially like the glass turtle bead. Beautiful!

    1. Welcome fellow bead addict! I love Christa's work, this one is a lovely turtle!

      Mars xx

  4. My youngest daughter loves anything turtles.

    1. Sounds like a cool little lady!

      Mars xx

  5. Not a turtle - but we did come across a large terrapin sunning himself on a rock by the canal (yes in England!!) earlier this month. He was so still we actually thought he might not be real but then he blinked. Tortoises, turtles and terrapins just look so old and wise so I think I would have to name them after someone like that so maybe: Yoda, Gandalf, Confucius ?

    1. Wow a terrapin by an English canal!! It led me to this page as I wondering about the differences between turtles and terrapins...

      Apparently the Russians sent tortoises to the moon in 1968...

      I like your names and reasoning behind them... Yoda is good :D

      Mars xx


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