
Tuesday 7 April 2015

F is for Fantasy Necklace

Fantasy Necklaces are a type of necklace by Trollbeads (a beadmaker brand) with a super thin chain and a dangle on the end - you thread beads onto the chain which hangs vertically and it is a different way of wearing your beads, a useful addition for anyone who is Addicted to Beads - more ways to wear beads, yes please!!

I have two, a very long Pearl Fantasy Necklace and a much shorter Onyx Fantasy Necklace.

I wear my Onyx Fantasy Necklace a lot more than my Pearl version: it's shorter so it's easy to thread a few beads and off I go plus I find it's easier to match being Onyx.  

I guess convenience, as much as style, has a lot to do with my choice!

What jewellery (if any) do you wear most and why?


  1. ~waving~ I made a folder to bookmark those I'd like to try and get back too {blush}

    I don't leave home without my Road-ID, I'm diabetic. I usually have on my wedding ring and a chain with a small butterfly, a charm that says 5k and another charm that says run. My earrings change all the time but usually cycle through less than 10. If I could I'd wear 3 necklaces but the chains tangle.

    LOVE the tree! I'd do one in purple on a long chain and add it to my "I wear this all time" list.

    Thanks for your kind words about my reviews. :-D

    1. I love the Trolltree, I didn't realise how often I used it until I started to trawl back through Fantasy Necklace photos, but I've already chosen T so I guess it's good it's showcased on F :)

      I had to look up Road-ID I had an idea what it was but what a great idea. Looks a lot more stylish than some of the things they used to come with.

      I will definitely be back to read more book reviews, and not just because you have the word Dragon in your blog title!

      Mars xx

  2. I've never thought of making my own pendant, which these kind of look like--it's amazing how much room there is for creativity in beading.

    1. I love my Onyx one for a "throw and go" it's a great way to wear some of the large focal pendant type beads. It's the only longer necklace I wear as I'm usually a 45cm with some kind of stone pendant threaded through normally!

      Mars xx

  3. I like those tree dangles :) I have a few necklaces I wear for 'best' from time to time, but the one I wear everyday is a leather necklace with a silver writer's quill and ink pot on it - my friends gave it to me when I had a special birthday, and I never take it off, because it embodies all my hopes for my career :)
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

    1. Oh I love the sound of that necklace! I have a leather one that I'm wearing with a silver dragon claw on...

      Dragon Claw Necklace

      Lovely choice!
      Mars xx

  4. Those are pretty :) I only really wear my engagement and wedding rings because I tend to react to anything except pure metals. I sometimes wear necklaces when I go out.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Ah so you have that tricky thing of wearing something to see if you react or not first, my mum is sensitive to most metals apart from the pure ones.

      Touch wood I'm lucky so far that I don't seem to have picked that one up from her - she used to be gutted on the earring side as couldn't wear so many of the costume pieces.

      Generally I tend to wear pure metals myself so I guess it would be less on an issue for me these days. I feel okay without beads but do feel naked without my rings!

      Mars xx

  5. Replies
    1. I must make up a new one actually, they are currently both naked!

      Mars xx

  6. So pretty. I think my favorite combination is the one in the middle on the top row.

    1. Thanks Carol, Good luck with the A to Z this year!

      Mars xx


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