
Thursday 9 April 2015

H is for Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction is a good way to work with your addiction, Cold Turkey often doesn't work and indeed can be quite dangerous in certain situations as it increases the cravings and all thoughts become focussed on what is being denied.

Harm Reduction is a technique that's used for people who are unable or unwilling to stop using... in fact contrary to popular conceptions not all people who use need treatment at all.

Some people might like an immersive talking experience...

Bead Cartoon by unknown artist - still searching for an image credit!

But in my experience it just leads to more beads!

Does Harm Reduction work for you?
What is your favourite technique and why?


  1. Haha :D I wish we had a Beadaholics Anonymous circle nearby...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. I think I would be No.2 in the cartoon, 2nd from the left!

      Mars xx

  2. Replies
    1. This is my favourite of all the bead cartoons I've seen, absolutely love the way it's been drawn!

      Mars xx

  3. I feel like I've tried just about every method :) Cold turkey was good for a short period of time but then when I started buying again I went too far in the other direction.

    My best has been my planned/unplanned method. Still a few months where I spent more than I "should" but it's led to happier purchases and less guilt about those purchases! More often than not, I push off a planned purchase if I've gone overboard the previous month, so overall - even though I allow myself more purchases - I probably spend less.

    1. I've been very restrained of late, but that is really down to the Bus. I'm very good at not spending money I don't have, so although I spend a lot on beads generally, and will pilfer from other pots of money set aside for other items that aren't essential (like Boilers until they absolutely just fall apart), I don't spend money I don't have, although I sometimes borrow from the following month, I'm not as good as "adjusting" as you are from month to month.

      I'm still on track to keep my second New Year's Resolution of spend less than 2014... what's helping in a way is the rising prices of certain bead brands, some I feel are starting to become unaffordable, well not exactly unaffordable as I work full time, but certainly I don't want to spend that amount of money and be walking away with 3 beads!!

      I think the lampworking is helping with that goal too, ironic that No.1 New Year's Bead Resolution assists No.2 - didn't realise they were going to be so closely linked as I'm still getting a bead fix!!

      How is the metal clay going, have you done anymore recently?

      I don't think Cold Turkey will ever be a serious option for me though, I like the pretties too much!!

      Mars xx

    2. I made one for someone else recently, but haven't had much time to sit down and plan out my next ones. But definitely a few ideas bouncing around in my head that need to be explored a bit more :)

      I'm not at a point where I can go cold turkey for too long. There are still gaps in my colours and silvers, so I don't feel like I'm "done" yet. I kind of wonder if/when I will ...

    3. I am definitely slowing down, but not sure if that's mass of beads or general finances at the moment (I suspect the latter) although I'm definitely getting more picky and can wait a bit longer for things (which I suspect is the mass of beads effect)... unless they are Dinosaur Skulls from Ohm, then I can't wait :)

      Look forward to seeing more when you're ready with the metal clay.

      Mars xx

  4. Talking groups just turn into crafting groups with enablers who tell you where all the sales are. Although, it's good to have those that share your addiction.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

    1. I do love spending time with my bead friends to talk about beads but you're right about the sales info! I did almost do F is for Friends, but I'd covered that slightly last year and thought I'd share the link in the post above as an illustration of what can happen when we get together!

      Mars xx


I love saying hi to people who've read my blog, or are just passing through via the A to Z, or anyone not a spam bot!

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