
Monday 5 September 2016

#HullBloggersMeet at Liquid Jade

Well it's one of those rare times when I don't talk about jewellery, well not much anyway!

As regular readers will know I don't do many *traditional* Blogger type things, but I do love the #HullBloggers and from time to time I get the opportunity to meet up with them and chat about all things bloggy.

It wasn't a hard decision about whether to attend or not, as they were meeting at one of my freshly discovered, new favourite places to have a pot of tea and a bite to eat.  To be honest they could have been talking about "insert random thing I'm not interested in" and the mere mention of Liquid Jade would have persuaded me to come out on a Sunday!

My arrival was a little trickier than I'd anticipated due to the wonderful Freedom Festival being held on the same weekend, as several of the entrance gates were locked off for the festival, a bit of texting to Courtney from Retro and Thrift to find out how to get in soon sorted that one out.

On arrival it was straight to the counter to put in my usual order of Earl Grey and choose something to eat, I'm afraid you'll have to imagine the wonderful teacake with butter and jam as I ate it before photographing it... you can see why I don't do a lot of the traditional bloggy things - Photos before drinking and eating anything is probably #Blogger Rule No.1... not that I've ever bothered with the #Blogger Rules so hopefully you'll forgive me!

Courtney (Retro and Thrift), Hannah from Ha-pea-days and Charley from Charley Lucy had organised an agenda for the afternoon and some fun things for us to do, so we spent a lovely time catching up, making new friends and working on our Bucket Lists! Oh and drinking lots and lots of tea, eating cake and having lovely coffee (mocha for me in case you were curious)... all of which I also forgot to take photos of!

One of our bucket list items was to take a photo of your favourite bit of your outfit, well for me that was a no-brainer...

As much as I love my new flowery t-shirt, it has to be my Eske Storn Dragon Claw on a Trollbeads Silver Bangle, and my Ohmbeads Dark Luna on a Trollbeads Copper Bangle.

We did some mini Blogger workshops and Emma from The Pin Picker is my new hero for showing me how to link my two Instagram Accounts.  It's been a bugbear of mine for months, and I hadn't even realised Instagram had allowed that as a new option back in February.  I *always* learn something I didn't know at a Blogger Meet, thanks Emma!

Time for the raffle, and here I know I was on a lucky streak!  3 perfect prizes, vintage shopping event this week with Poor Boy Boutique, Prosecco from the lovely Liquid Jade, our venue for the afternoon and tons of hair care products from Paul Mitchell UK for my tons of hair!

However the best reaction has to go to Jenny from Curious Alice Loves who won the Nanshy make up brushes and I'm still smiling at her excited squeal of delight!

I was really delighted that the organisation we were raising money for was the Purple House, and that #HullBloggers were also organising donations for those that were able to help in a practical way too. It's a fab place and I'm stoked to see how it's developed 16 plus years later, especially given I'm old enough to remember it starting out, *a'hem*.

The afternoon was rapidly coming to a close and soon it was time to say our goodbyes and pick up our event goody bags.  

One thing I have planned as a result is I'm off to Tessies to spend my gift voucher and say thank you for the fun fashion rings!  Hmm, busy week if I'm going to Poor Boy Boutique too!!  I especially love my Hull Bloggers tote bag - which came in super handy immediately as I somehow had to get all my lovely prizes back to the car.

Thanks so much to everyone involved in the planning and to those for making the event such a lovely afternoon, I wandered off to sample a bit of the Freedom Festival, popped in to see my lovely friends at Oresome Gallery and then had a mad dash around a supermarket before it closed... well it can't all be glamorous now can it?

Mars xx

What's  your favourite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

Please note: All brands involved who supplied items for the raffle and/or our goody bags, did so free of charge with no obligations; all food and drink consumed at Liquid Jade was paid for by the Bloggers attending.