
Saturday 4 April 2015

D is for Dealers

Yep I have a dealer, several in fact, both local for convenience, European & American for when I want something exotic that I can't get from home... or just because the exchange rate is good! It's natural to say that I don't like going through Customs.

Having a dealer means that you usually get looked after quite well especially if you're a regular and I've even made friends with some of them and see them for socialising... but I don't always tell my straight friends who don't use that this fun person is also my dealer, it's our little secret.

It's true what they say, you sometimes get free deals, but they're not always gateways to the harder stuff, and not everyone gets hooked, some people can just visit them on special occasions.

Not me though, for I am truly addicted... to beads.

Who is your favourite dealer for your favourite addiction and why?


  1. LOL - nicely done! I don't think I have a dealer for anything, unless I count Hotel Chocolat! ;P
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

    1. Hotel Chocolat are a great dealer, I use them myself...

      Mars xx

  2. Not sure if this counts as a dealer but there is a Cheese Shop near us in South Molton, Devon, which sells all kinds of delicious cheese - mostly locally made, but also from 'elsewhere' . My favourites are Taw Valley Cheddar and Devon Blue... LOL that's made me want some now. Guess I'll have to go shopping! (Enjoying the A-Z I'm number 590

    1. Mmmm cheese! You can keep the blue though ;)

      Mars xx

  3. Why does it seem that often craft people have "dealers"? We are lucky enough to have a couple of friends who have fiber farms, (Sheep and Alpaca). So I occasionally get to "shop" before the public and we work out our special Deals!

    1. I think it comes with the territory! Your dealers sound fun :)

      Mars xx

  4. Oh I have one or two dealers in wool and embroidery threads!! Alison (above) is making me feel very envious with her connections to Alpaca farms!! I do like beads for hoarding purposes rather than to actually make something out of and I love your accompanying photo. I think you know you have an addiction when your dealers bring things from the back of the shop when they see you because they know you might be interested!! I will be back for more of your blog now I've become a follower. Keep up the good work on your A to Z Challenge! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Ooh back of the shop/under the counter temptations - we once had a bead meet up where the goodies were all kept in a safe with a big DO NOT TOUCH notice on until we arrived, sheer bliss!

      My friend felts and I love looking at her wool pics as much as I like looking at glass rods ready for lampworking, full of possibilities!

      Mars xx

  5. I love it! That entire entry would be worrying if I hadn't known you were talking about beads ;) Amazon tends to feed my addiction ::g::
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I did have a giggle when I was writing it, but it's all true... I do hate customs!! Amazon often does for my reading addiction.

      Mars xx

  6. Hahaha! Very clever post, although I had a hunch you weren't talking about drugs. ☺
    My dealer is Ticketmaster, who feeds my addiction to rock concerts. Music is my drug of choice.

    1. Ah one of the classic addictions! A fine use of your time and money, following a band is how I met my other half :)

      Mars xx

  7. Hehe, I wondered what this was going to be a post about to start off with!

    I guess my addiction is books and I know several people who push them on me when they think I need more. ;-)

    Cait @ Click's Clan

    1. Lol we both had the same reaction to each other's posts today, I'm still in awe of your title post for D!

      Mars xx

  8. Not too bad being addicted to beads LOL! I still have my beads from the lates 60's and early 70's. Fun post.

    As I See It Daily

    1. Thanks! It's an expensive habit and you can lose lots of time with it... but it's not as damaging to you health as some addictions, well not unless you slip on one and fall over! (and yes you would be more worried about if your bead survived!)

      Mars xx

      Mars xx

  9. Hello there.
    I was getting a little worried there for a minute! My drug of choice is books, especially the Bible! Thanks for sharing.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. Hello there and welcome!

      I had a lot of fun writing this one, just hoped that everyone got to the "end" but I've been making the posts short for the A to Z...

      I love books, the great thing about the A to Z is finding lots of new books to read :)

      Mars xx

  10. That's a beautiful assortment of beads! I suppose my daughter would be my "dealer". She supplies me with interesting, page-turning books to read on my breaks at work.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge

    1. Hi Barbara

      Thank you, I've had to do some organising for the challenge to find some of the beads I want to show you all so it's been fun to have yet another excuse to dig through my bead box!

      Mars xx

  11. I haven't succumbed to the local yarn shops, but once I do I fear I'll need a frequent fix.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

    1. Yep abandon hope all ye who enter here... I often think these dealers should have a plate above the door much like UK pubs do with the licensed to selll alcohol bit on them!

      Mars xx

  12. Love the bead photo!
    The library is a good spot for a book addiction, although sometimes my overdue books cost me. :)

    1. Hi Yvonne!

      When I was a little girl and we lived in a village we used to get visited by the Mobile Library on a Monday... I used to use all my quota and my Mum's and stock up on books for the week during the summer holidays, I'm sure they didn't really believe I used to read *that* many books in one week - bliss!!

      I still now value reading as one of my hobbies.

      Mars xx

  13. I had a hard time coming up with a comment for this because every time I read your post again I just started laughing again :D

    My favourite addiction is certainly beads, but I don't have a favourite dealer anymore. My not-so-local, but favourite, dealer closed shop a year ago. They also had a passion for beads, so it was always nice to go visit them. My LDs don't have a passion for beads, so I don't really get the same "fix" by shopping with them. And it's taking far too long for mail to arrive these days (plus, those pesky customs you mentioned are also very sobering!)

    1. Glad to make you laugh! I had a lot of fun writing this one :D

      I am ironically on a bit of a bead diet at the moment, as the other B in my life has cost us so much recently that I'm still recovering from the garage bill and probably will be for some time to come. So glad I've gone back to trying lampworking as making them seems to be keeping me occupied at the moment so the cold turkey is, er, not so cold...

      I have 2 more beads to come in the mail but that's it for a while unless I make it... now if I could just manage to make non-wonky beads I'd be laughing!

      Mars xx

  14. I am starting to build a relationship with the local bead shop. They started bringing my orders in in bulk since I use so many beads for projects... :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. Lol, that used to happen to me with the local craft shop when I used to make candles... they started buying in bigger bags of wax, which was more cost effective for us both!

      Mars xx

  15. What a fun play on words! I don't know much about beading, so maybe I'll gain a new appreciation with the challenge.

    Jean, back from the Grand Tour and visiting for the A-Z Challenge from Rantings and Ravings of an Insane Writer Number 209 on the A-Z List.

    Jean Schara
    Blackbirds First Flight (Quin)
    Blackbirds Second Flight (Glaring Upheaval and Fluffy Malone)

    1. Always a nice aspect to the A to Z challenge I think, visiting blogs that you wouldn't normally stumble across :) We like the shiny things in here!

      Mars xx


I love saying hi to people who've read my blog, or are just passing through via the A to Z, or anyone not a spam bot!

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