
Monday 30 July 2012


Next on my journey came the OOAKs, no I had not just watched Star Wars in some alternate universe, I'm referring to beads that are "one of a kind" or OOAKs  (my pronunciation is something like "oooks" - I've no idea how you would pronounce this but I like my version)

I missed the delivery of these as they came when I was out, I was so excited to go and pick them up I had to open the package in the car!

My first OOAKs!

I had deliberately chosen some ooaks with brown in them as I was determined to find some beads to go with Black Squirrel.

I have bought a few ooaks since that day and I've put that photo below, the blog doesn't always need to flow chronologically (although it has up to now)...  but I felt my ooaks deserve their own spot together!

The first OOAKs with others that have followed over the months

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