
Friday 25 April 2014

V is for Vernier Scale

Buying beads can be a tricky business as they come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes knowing the scale of the bead is a very useful piece of information.

Amber Trollbeads probably have the largest variances in size, scale and shapes

Trollbeads Amber beads in particular can vary wildly from tiny to HUGE in either dimension and when buying beads online from a photo you can't always tell what the scale is.  Many a friend has bought what they thought was a normal sized bead, glass or amber, to be either horrified or delighted by it's actual size.

I have many "matching" beads that really don't match at all as I end up with the Little and Large versions as they are bought at different times, especially if they are bought online rather than hand picked in the shop.

It's harder to "see" in a photo, but the first pic shows a normal production sized lake eye (green bead) at the top and the bottom lake eye is actual huge by comparison.

I have 2 large pod beads (left of the group of 4) and 2 much smaller pod beads (on the right).  Variances in size are less of an issue where beads are on a long bracelet design and spaced out, or like in the necklace design above, made a feature out of; but if you want a small 3-bead bangle design then it can get a little tricky as the size difference can make it look awkward.

I should stress I don't see this is as a problem (unless you catch me in a more obsessive mood with a design); it's one of the beauties of handmade glass beads... they are indeed individual!

However, I keep meaning to invest in a Vernier Caliper, as it's the easiest way to measure beads, rather than by eye, but I never quite get around to buying one.  Should you wish to plunge the depths ('scuse the pun) of the Vernier Scale here is a somewhat dry but informative video on how to use them...

What useful gadget do you keep meaning to buy; 
but never quite get around to actually buying one?

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, thank you for coming to give V some love, I know I didn't pick Valentine's Day but was worried that Vernier Scale had scared everyone away...

    I've not had to return any yet, but I did come close to swapping a few for others in a size similar to the ones I already had. That big green lake eye though was a wonderful surprise!

    Mars xx


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