
Tuesday 14 April 2015

L is for Love Hurts

The theme Addicted to Beads has given me the opportunity to take a look at some of my favourite beads as well as take a light hearted look at what a bead addiction can be, but rarely does it mean as much as this next bead did.

When Ohm Beads released the information about this bead it was on the anniversary of when we had our dog Jess put to sleep... so I guess I was feeling pretty emotional to start with.

"Every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. Every patch represents the love I have received."
I knew this was the bead for me, I had quite a visceral reaction to the bead itself, jewellery can be sentimental but rarely does a bead evoke such emotion.  This one did.

I loved my dog with all my heart, and although she's been gone many years now I will never forget the years we had together.

Who would you give a piece of your heart to?

As a bonus if you have time to read... this is the Product Description for the bead by Ohm, it takes the form of a story.
A young woman and an old woman relaxed with some hot coffee and cookies. "My heart is the most perfect in the world", proclaimed the younger of the pair. Her heart was brand new - not a mark, scar, or single flaw marred it. 
"Your heart looks perfect, but it is not as beautiful as mine" replied the other woman. With a gasp the young woman studied her friend’s heart. It was full of scars, some pieces were missing. It was patched with a bit of thread. Pieces of other hearts filled in the gaps, but they didn't quite fit.
The young woman laughed: "Compared to your heart, mine is perfect! And yours is an ugly combination of scars and tears."
"Yes" - said the old woman - "Your heart looks perfect, but I would never trade my heart for yours. Each and every scar on my heart represents a person to whom I have given my love. Sometimes I tear out a piece of my heart and give it away. Sometimes I get a piece back in exchange for my love which I meld into the empty place in my heart. Each heart is unique, some pieces fit, while others don’t. My unrequited loves have left a few empty spaces. "She points to one of the more obvious gouges. "To me, the real beauty is in the love I have been sharing with the world all these years."
The young woman sat silently. Tears ran down her cheeks. She reached into her young heart and ripped a piece out. Offering it to the old woman her friend accepted the piece and placed it in an open space. She removed a piece from her own heart and placed it into the young woman’s heart. 
It fit, though only just.
Her heart is no longer perfect. It is more beautiful than ever.


  1. It's a lovely bead and it's great you have lovely memories of your Jess to go with it. She looks like she was a beautiful dog.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Thanks. I've had a couple of dogs and all lovely but Jess was my THE dog that people talk about (although I think you can have more than one in your lifetime).

      I have a bracelet that I put together based on a walk that reminds me of her too - lol not that she'll ever be forgotten.

      I love Ohm beads as a brand, they're never scared of putting out beads like this - which was for Valentines Day whilst everything else was sugary pink!

      Mars xx

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Melanie, this bead is now on another bracelet as I do swap and change but I love the sentiment behind this bead.

      Mars xz

  3. This is lovely story and bead. I'm sorry for the loss of your four legged friend. I myself have a few of those, and lost a few...It's always devastating when pets dont last forever and they give so much love and comfort while they're here.

    @Get Lost in Lit

    1. Thanks, I had a fantastic amount of time with her so it was all good, it was a bit weird the bead evoked such a strong emotion but that's why I love Ohm as a brand and their designers!

      By the way adore your blog post for L, it's been one of my favourites for today!!

      Mars xx

  4. She looks like a lovely dog. I still miss our first dog, Barnabas, even though we now have a wonderful old German Shepherd called Nemo and have had for eight years.
    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

    1. I think a bit of them always stays with us, that's why I love the story behind this bead - it sums it up so well for me. Some dogs are just extra extra special xx

      Mars xx

  5. Replies
    1. I love that Ohm did this as the product description, great brand!

      Mars xx

  6. I loved the story that went along with this bead from the start. It took me a little longer to get the bead since I didn't have a specific memory that I wanted it for, but when I got it I loved it completely too :)

    1. It's such a great bead, I really like Ohm even though I don't have many of their beads myself I love what they do, and the ones I do have? I adore!

      Mars xx

  7. Oh I love that story! How lovely that they created a story to go with the bead.

    So sorry to hear you had to put your dog to sleep by the way. I would be heart broken if we had to do that for Poppy - although it will no doubt happen one day. Do you have another dog now?

    1. Hi Celine

      Yep product descriptions are usually a bit shorter and more technical than this... but I love that they did this with this bead!

      Thanks, it was a difficult decision (as it is for all of us when it's time to make that choice), but we had a good number of years before it came to that point which made it slightly less painful, although we were hoping for more as you do.

      No we don't have another dog, we moved around a bit when she'd gone and although we're settled again now we haven't taken the plunge again. I do volunteer with Guide Dogs for the Blind so I get to play with working dogs which gives me my doggy fix.

      Give Poppy a hug from me!
      Mars xx

  8. I can see how that bead and the story would hit you. Jess looks like a lovely dog.

    1. Hi Nick

      Thanks for stopping by, yep Jess was a superb dog, very patient and gentle soul but with loads of energy for so many years (cross breed but with some border collie in there).

      She was the type of dog that even people who hated, or who were afraid of, dogs grew to love, but as they said "only Jess", she had a way with people that seemed to make people love her.

      Sadly missed by more than just me and my immediate family, she had quite an extended fan club amongst our friends. That photo was taken at my parents, it was a boiling hot August and she really didn't want to leave to get in the car, it's a look of please can we stay a bit longer (lots of fab walks around where they live that she loved).

      Mars xx


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