
Saturday 5 April 2014

E is for Elephants

Following on from the creature theme in D, E is for Elephants.

Elephants are linked for me not just in their representation in some of my jewellery; I have an elephant bead and an elephant lock, but in that a friend I have made because of my jewellery is elephant crazy (in a good way).  So E is also dedicated to my friend Alison!

My Elephant Bracelet

Alison can also spot elephants in places that I've frequented but hitherto have been blissfully unaware they existed...

Alison elephant spotting in a pub

I've also taken random pictures of elephant related things when I see them to show her...

It's a good job that I've got very understanding friends who don't mind me taking photos of their curtains to show another friend of mine they've never even met!

I shall be leaving the creatures theme today and returning to something more "traditional" for Monday... until then have a lovely weekend and see you next week!


  1. I love elephants! I had a beautiful elephant charm on a bead bracelet that I lost :( They are wonderful creatures.

    1. Oh no! Sorry you lost your jewellery :( I have done the ultimate jewellery losing; but luckily my husband didn't take it as a sign and we are still together ;)

      Elephants are great, I certainly see a lot more of them now because of my friend but that is cool. I also turned on my computer today and was about to tweet today's post... and the first tweet I saw in my timeline was a beautiful pic of Elephants from @EarthBeauties - very serendipitous!

      Mars xx

  2. Just have to say I love that all silver elephant bracelet!


    1. Thanks Victoria, I love all silver bracelets but it took me a while to discover how to do one that *I* liked but this was, who knew Elephants were the key! :D

      Mars xx

  3. Fabulous,Thank you. Xx

  4. I am fond of both elephants and dragons. I also think beads are pretty sweet.

    Looking forward to what you toss our way on Monday.

    Liz at Bead Contagion

    1. So glad you stopped by Liz, I've just spent a lovely while in your blog!

      I love what you do with the beads and really enjoyed the writing too, duly bookmarked! :)

      Mars xx

  5. Planning on spending some time in Thailand on a "workation" working with the elephants within the next several years!!

    1. Oh how cool! That sounds brilliant :) A lovely reader on my Facebook page told me about this link...

      The Elephant Sanctuary

      I'd come across it before but lost the original link. Enjoy!

      Mars xx

  6. We all have our totem animals. Elephants are most excellent, and you can revisit them on "H" day (for Heffalumps, of course.) thanks for visiting the pandas at you da bear.

    1. Hey miz "b" - lovely to see you here!

      Mars xx


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