
Monday 30 March 2015

A to Z Challenge 2015, 3, 2... (almost there)

For the second year running on Curling Stones for Lego People I bring you the A to Z Challenge!

1st April through to 30th April, 26 letters, 26 posts and 26 topics... but don't forget the 4 days off on Sundays!

In case you're wondering what letter falls when here is a handy calendar; I'm using this to remind me what letter to post!!

Additional Info if you need it!

My theme is Addicted to Beads - for more info you can read my A to Z Theme Reveal Post.

If you want to visit the main challenge website - just click the badge on the top right of the page and that will take you there directly or click here.

Each post will be quite short, this is to help both me and the other participants as we will be blog hopping our way around as many of the blogs taking part as we can!  If you want to join us, here is the main list.  Follow at random or in a more orderly fashion, it's your choice!

I'm aiming to post on Curling Stones by 7.00am GMT on each of the Challenge Days.
Latest update: However since I decided to start the challenge life has got in the way and I have less than a handful of posts finished, or even letters decided... so bear with me on the timings... I think before midnight might be more accurate!

The subscription emails will go out sometime after 9am so for the easiest way to follow - just sign up with your email.  You can find the subscription box on the right hand side of the web page (under the archive post lists), you will then receive a verification email to reply to and then voila, your emails will be delivered to you each time there's new content.  You can unsubscribe at any time by just clicking on the unsubscribe link on the emails - or contact me directly via the blog.

If you use Bloglovin' or GFC you can follow through these methods, keep an eye on my Twitter feed, my Facebook Page or follow the links on Pinterest.

If you're like me, you can do it the old fashioned way, just bookmark the page and come back whenever you like!

Please consider leaving a comment if you visit any blogs during the challenge,
it really does help motivate the bloggers taking part!


  1. Following through Bloglovin, btw. :-)

    1. Thanks Misha! Looking forward to your posts for the challenge, best of luck!!

      Mars xx


I love saying hi to people who've read my blog, or are just passing through via the A to Z, or anyone not a spam bot!

P.s. If you use an iPad/iPhone and are having trouble leaving a comment on Blogger, you might have better luck using a browser that's not the default iPad one... Then from the "Comment as" drop down menu choose Name/Url (you can leave URL field blank or add your web address) or Anonymous and (hopefully) away you go! Mars xx