
Monday 3 March 2014

Story New UK Collection 2014 ~ Bracelets

So what else is new for the 2014 Collection?

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Image by Story - Please do not reproduce without crediting

Image by Story - Please do not reproduce without crediting

In addition to the Watch Charms, Story are introducing silk bracelets in both neutral and strong colours to their already extensive bracelet range.  You can buy the ones above as Starter Bracelets: a bracelet and 1 charm for an introductory price, Silk bracelets are in the same price range as the lambskin, £59 making the Starter Bracelet at £69 a very good deal if you like the charm!

I can't make my mind up on the silk yet, I love the idea of different textures but I'm not sure they're for me, these are a definite see them in real life in the shop and make up my mind once seen and tried personally - I buy a lot of things by touch as much as I do by sight; so I definitely want a quick rub first!!

Image by Story - Please do not reproduce without crediting

So what have I got my beady eye on this time, well aside from the ever versatile black lambskin bracelet I already have there's actually quite a big choice... I really like the olive army green lambskin from the featured bracelet pic above, but I'm still hankering after the aubergine purple lambskin one too!

Steel, lambskin and silk Story Bracelets
Image by Story - Please do not reproduce without crediting

In addition to the new silk bracelets in a range of different colours, do I spot a new Rose Gold finish in the Steel bracelets??  I've yet to see the Steel Bracelets (and the pearl bracelets) so I've got quite a window shopping list to get through when I next visit my nearest Story Retailer!

I think I really want the blackened version of the steel bracelet, so again it's a case of saving up for this.  I find I'm stacking different brands regularly now and as well as looking really versatile I have some gorgeous drop charms that I think would work really well with this as a bracelet in it's own right.

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Image by Story - 
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Image by Story - 
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The Steel Bracelets retail for £95, which is the same as the snakeskin, the pearl for £119 and the semi-precious gemstone strings start at £179 up to £239.

Snakeskin, semi-precious gemstone and pearl Story Bracelets
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Semi-precious gemstones
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Image by Story - 
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Image by Story - 
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Some of my current bracelets seem to be missing from the collection; I'm not sure whether they've been phased out or indeed how this works with Story, (with me being a fairly new customer to the brand), but the new booklet doesn't include my lovely garnet string or the delicious olive green leather string I already own.  I've noticed some other missing designs and I'm starting to get a bit twitchy on those 50% sales bargains I might have missed thinking I'd get them another time!

It hasn't escaped my attention that Labradorite has been added to the semi-precious gemstone range, bad news for my Boiler Fund as this is one of my favourite stones.  Let's hope I get sidetracked by the steel ones first...

What do you think to the new bracelets that are debuting in this collection?  Is silk for you or do you have your eye on something else?  Would love to hear what you think!

Image by Story - Please do not reproduce without crediting


  1. I love that second bracelet!

    Corinne x

    1. Ooh is that the snakeskin and grey silk one?

      The bracelets are worth a look in person, you can find a list of retailers here:

      I'm quite lucky that I have a few near me, although it's often harder to find the absolutely newest stock - not sure when the new collection is due to arrive but should get some info about expected dates soon I hope.

      Sizing can make quite a difference and often they tend to have the "standard" 57cm size in stock, so worth asking to try a few different sizes in other bracelets - I nearly always have to get them to order in as I take the smallest size of 54cm in a triple wrap bracelet (they come in 54, 57, 60 and 63 in most of the lines).

      I have a long wish list of these... just a need some kind of magic money tree and I'll be sorted!

      Mars xx

  2. Of the bracelets, *have* to have the rose gold anchor.

    Thanks to that last campaign image, I'm rather liking the blue which I've just never considered before.

    On the subject of campaign images - Medina looking amazing as always <3


    1. I think I fancy the black finish steel open link one next, but I really want to see the pearl ones in real life too!

      Hoping the shops nearby actually get these in at some point so I can see them in real life... one day!

      Mars xx


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