
Saturday 23 April 2016

T is for Torch (and how to POOP)

Well if you're making glass beads you need something HOT to melt the glass... I use a Nortel Minor Burner which is a fairly standard entry torch.

Propane and oxygen are mixed at the surface of the torch to produce a hot flame, one that is hot enough to melt glass so I can make my beads.

The torch has two valves, so I can control how much propane (red valve on the top) and how much oxygen (silver valve on the side) are fed into the flame at any given time.

When you make glass beads it's not only how much heat and how it's applied that you need to think about but also the ratio of the gasses you use to produce certain effects, most of the time you work with a Neutral flame, but sometimes you need to add more propane (or reduce the oxygen) to make a Reducing flame or vice versa to produce an Oxygen rich flame.

I did worry I was going to blow myself up or set fire to everything when I first started... however I always remember it's Propane on 1st, Oxygen on 2nd, Oxygen off 1st, Propane off last.... and that is how you POOP safely!

What important info do you need to remember for your hobbies?


  1. Since my hobby is traveling, and traveling is my life, they mean the same thing and I don't need to remember anything in particular. I wish to have more time for more hobbies, but for now, writing and reading will do! :-)

    Liesbet @ Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary

    1. When you're travelling I think reading and writing are the two of the best hobbies to have :)

      Mars xx

  2. Mostly what I need for my hobbies is where I put things. But I have a fried who makes jewelry with a propant torch and she amazes me with her skill.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. Torches can become quite addictive, I love working with the flame and all the possibilities you have to play and expore with the glass!

      Mars xx

  3. For making oboe reeds I have to remember, 'a sharp knife is a safe knife'. But that's not nearly as important as your POOP rule!!

    1. That's a good one to remember, I should write soemthing similiar down about hot stringers and fingers don't mix ;)

      You often "cut" glass in the flame and you have to remember that this can leave needle sharp points on the ends of your rods if you don't round them off a bit... leaving them a bit pointy is good though as it's less likely to spit hot glass at you next time :)

      Mars xx

  4. It almost looks like a light saber :D

    I don't have a POOP rule for my beadmaking. I can't actually think of any rules, other than don't melt the metal!

    Do you ever run the risk of making the glass too hot?

    Tracy (Black Boots, Long Legs)

    1. Lol had to laugh out loud when I read that question, yes, yes, all the time - it's one of my bad habits, working too hot!

      The hotter the glass gets the quicker you have to work and the less control you have over it as it's moving quickly - but you can at least see it, as opposed to it moving slowly and you have a wonky bead before you've noticed it.

      Too hot is good, you can use gravity or tools to move the glass around, this is an effect I put to good use in my marble tube beads, that glass has been physically manipulated a LOT to get that effect.

      However the flip side is your glass can literally drip off the mandrel, you can introduce bubbles in (the type you don't want), you can "scum" the glass and some glasses just don't like being that hot and go weird. You can overcook some glass and spoil it, and on the flipside some of the cool effects are "cooking the crap out of it"... it really is all about experimentation, timing and control.

      Great question!!

      I think it looks like a light saber at times, wouldn't want to be waving it around, mind you having said that I wouldn't want to risk it with a "real" light saber either :)

      Mars xx

  5. I love how you have a rule that is easy to remember because it appeals to five year old humour - those are always the best ;) I don't think I will ever make beads - I would blow myself up :)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Yes learning how to POOP is very essential!

      Mars xx

  6. Mostly what I need for my hobbies is where I put things. But I have a fried who makes jewelry with a propant torch and she amazes me with her skill.


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