
Tuesday 28 April 2015

X is for X Ray

Well I had to find a way to introduce you to this chap, Skeleton Spirit, one of my favourite silver beads!

Being Addicted to Beads I've managed to acquire several more of these, but this is my original, he's called Lenny and is always recognisable due to his slightly inclined head!

As you can guess this is a bit of a cheat, but I think Skeleton Spirit is the X Ray version of another of my beads, Spirit of Freedom!

What do you like so much that you couldn't bear to leave it out of an A to Z list?


  1. Awesome beads and I like your use of X :). I always have to get vampires in - I just have to ;)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. I think it comes back to skeletons and skull use in jewellery :) I adore this bead, one of my all time favourites in silver, Lenny now lives on a bracelet with 4 of his friends along with the Navy Galaxies I used in my N post and some blue goldstone beads...

      Mars xx

  2. There are a few topics that I would "have to" write about. One thing is the cherry blossoms. Which cherry blossom? Well, that´s the point. There are many cherry blossoms in the Trollbeads-world. Than perhaps "names", because there are some very weird bead-names. Armadillos, of course, and OOAKs...


    1. Yes there are definitely a lot of cherry blossoms!! I have a weird relationship with Armadillos, I have several yet I don't thing I like them that much... I told you it was weird!

      I love my retired green ones and use them a lot, I also like my pink ones... but as for the rest I'm not sure why I bought them, but I have two black ones now that should be getting a look in soon.

      In my own beadmaking I've made almost a wild armadillo type unique that I'm quite fond of, I think I just prefer the really messy ones!

      Mars xx

      p.s. thanks for letting me know about your post, might have taken a while to find it otherwise :D

  3. Since checking in regularly with your blog, I am noticing a lot more beads and wondering about them and what you'd think about them!! For this A to Z, I was waiting for W is for Wool - so many textures & colours - wonderful :)

    1. I've seen felt beads made from wool but I'm not a fan of them, well not the ones I've seen. I'm always open to being surprised into liking something.

      A friend of mine has a music venue and his knowledge and tastes are very far and wide ranging... it was thing between us for a while if ever I said "I don't like x type of music" he would find things in that genre that I would love... as he knew what I did like. After a while I had to adapt that to "I don't normally like x type of music but I bet you can find several bands I'll love!"

      What I really love in wool is the feltscapes that my friend makes who is the felt artist behind FfolkyFfelt... when I have enough money I'm going to buy one of her bigger ones, or commission something, her wool colours are devine, I show her my raw glass rods, she shows me her wool colours/types!!

      I love glass, stones/gems and metal in particular for beads... I talk more about what I like in Y today, as part of the topic.

      Mars xx

  4. Skeletons are always cool with m. And aliens.

    Stephen Tremp
    A-Z Co-host
    X is for Xenoglossy

    1. There are some great alien beads out there, mostly by brands such as Redbalifrog and Ohm Beads. Some are retired now but make me wish I'd been collecting earlier than I started.

      I particularly like this set of alien/sci-fi inspired bracelets by Victoria over at Endangered Trolls who helped me out with photos for my C post!

      Mars xx

  5. I just have to say Mars I really enjoy looking at your blog :-) I'm a charm enthusiast, I have visited before but I rediscovered your blog yesterday looking for more charm stuff online. I have had so much fun seeing your A to Z posts! I will definitely have to check in on your posts more often.

    1. Thanks Natalie! You're very welcome here whenever you like :D

      April is a bit special where I go to town posting every day (except Sundays) as part of the A to Z Challenge but normally it's only once a week (maybe twice) under normal circumstances... especially after April where I like to catch up on some sleep!

      I've really enjoyed this particular A to Z series, was just remarking to a friend yesterday that I've been so pleased with how they've all turned out :)

      Mars xx

  6. Love these beads! So unique.

    Only 2 letters to go!

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I know I can't believe we're on Y today! The month has positively flown by!

      Mars xx

  7. I haven't seen beads like these! They are really creative! I have a stationery and school supplies store, and this year, I'm planning to add craft materials like beads and stuff to my stock. I'll try to see if I can find such funky things here in India.

    Thanks for dropping by on my blog, Mars. I'm going to have to browse through your blog for a length of time. Let me add it to my follow list for now.

    1. Hello and welcome!

      Beads are good fun, I'm having a go at making my own glass beads at the moment, some are hilariously bad, others are quite nice! Always fun to try any new crafts :D

      Mars xx


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