
Monday 23 March 2015

A to Z Theme Reveal - Addicted to Beads!!

My A to Z Challenge Theme is...


Last year during the A to Z challenge I went random; this was great as it allowed me to cover a whole host of jewellery themed topics but this year I wanted to focus on something a bit more specific.

This will allow me to take a step away from my usual writing of collections and bracelet designs and focus on either the beads themselves or what it means to be addicted with hopefully some funny, quirky or random stories along the way... or just some pretty pictures!

Posts will be VERY short to allow other A to Z participants to blog hop quickly through Curling Stones and will require no prior jewellery knowledge!

For my regular readers you will be getting a short burst every day for 26 days throughout April, rather than a more leisurely read once or twice a week!  Please pop by and say hi as normal, or just to cheer me on.

Don't forget to come back to check out my Hull Fashion Week posts too as those will be live during April... I hope I make it to the end as I'm off on holiday before we finish!!

Will you be joining me on my A to Z journey, for Hull Fashion Week, or both??


  1. Hey, that sound sgreat :-)
    I'm a jewellery maker too, though I'm taking part to the challenge with my author's blog. Can't wait to read your posts :-)

    1. Hi Sarah!

      Thanks for popping by, what kind of jewellery do you like to make?

      Mostly I write about modular jewellery and some of the main brands and some artisans... I've just started my journey with lampworking and making glass beads... at the moment I just aspire to make them less wonky ;)

      Good luck with the challenge... 9 days and counting!

      Mars xx

  2. Wow! That's an out of the world theme! I've never stopped by your blog till now. Seems like I'm in for a treat! Have fun, Mars! :)

  3. What a fun sounding theme. I rather like beads & jewelry making. Tried my hand at once before- Hard work (and difficult w/ all the distractions here).

    1. Thanks Tena, 1st year was unthemed, this time it's themed... will be interesting to see the difference between the two approaches!

      Mars xx

  4. Beads can be very fascinating. I used to have a collection of beads that I think I sold years ago. Not really sure what happened to them all actually. That was back in my hippie days.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

    1. Lol you may get tempted back if you stick around Arlee!

      Mars xx

  5. I fall under the 'no prior jewellery knowledge' category, yet I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the theme of beads. Good topic.

    1. Welcome aboard Tim! Last year I felt it wasn't inclusive enough so I'm hoping to get a better balance this year so that "no prior jewellery knowledge" is not a barrier to enjoying (I hope) the posts!

      Mars xx

  6. I have never been addicted to beads, but I have been addicted to other things, like vampire DVDs so I look forward to hearing about your bead addiction :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Wow are you really doing this 3 times???

      I'm hoping to do some general addiction posts that could equally apply to anything you choose and not just beads... although mine will have a bead twist it will be fun to see how many people can identify by just sustituing the word bead for say, vampire DVDs, I can imagine it may be more than a few!

      I imagine I could well get addicted to vampire DVDs, another favourite of mine :D

      Have fun in the challenge!
      Mars xx

  7. Wow! I can't wait to come back and see more! My mom got big into jewelry making as a hobby, but I never picked that up. Maybe this will inspire me to try it as well!

    1. There are some really nice frog silver beads from Trollbeads, and Redbalifrog do a wonderful frog lock for bracelets... you could have some FABULOUS bracelets to match your frogs!!

      Mars xx

    2. I might have to check those out :)

    3. Lol if you like rockier versions Rebeligion also do great frogs... now I'm wondering why I don't have any frog beads?!

      Thank you thefroglady... I can see where my bead collection is sorely lacking! A lot of the brands have some quite cool frog beads!

      Mars xx

  8. Yay! I'm sure you will make it to the end - I will certainly be following along and reading your posts :)

    1. Thank you! Will be a long month...

      Mars xx

  9. Beads and pretty pictures - sounds like a winning theme! Good luck in the challenge. ☺

  10. Pretty things! I can understand how you can be addicted to beads :) I don't do beading, or jewellery as a hobby, but I do get kinda distracted in haberdashery sections of sewing stores, it's because beads are small and shiny, they appeal to my magpie instincts :)

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles
    Wittegen Press

  11. Sounds right up my alley. I love looking at pretty things. :-D

    1. Yes, just that.

      You can open up a box to reveal lots of pretty things! Or in my case usually look on my wrist :)

      Mars xx

  12. I am already addicted to beads :) Looking forward to this!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. Lol fellow bead addicts welcome too!

      Mars xx


I love saying hi to people who've read my blog, or are just passing through via the A to Z, or anyone not a spam bot!

P.s. If you use an iPad/iPhone and are having trouble leaving a comment on Blogger, you might have better luck using a browser that's not the default iPad one... Then from the "Comment as" drop down menu choose Name/Url (you can leave URL field blank or add your web address) or Anonymous and (hopefully) away you go! Mars xx