
Monday 31 December 2012

It's the small things... (update to Share a Christmas Card 2012)

...that make me smile the most.

This was my first year of taking part in the Share a Christmas Card 2012 event and whilst the prize draw element of the event ends today with the 2 final winners getting a glass Christmas Kit each, the full event continues until 1st February 2013.  I've viewed the winning results as my very own electronic month long Trollbead Advent Calendar, I've really enjoyed looking at the winners each day to see who is the lucky winner (or winners) and what is their prize?  Reading through the greetings, sending my own thanks for cards arriving here and receiving news that my own cards have got through have been the highlights of the event.

7 of my 10 cards have been received / registered, I've no idea whether the last 3 cards have got lost, or whether they will still arrive, but as the event continues until 1st February 2013 I'm really hoping the final 3 will be registered so I know they've arrived safely.

Over 15,500 cards have been registered to date, I've now received 7 cards from trollbead fans around the world, and my 7th card made me smile a lot...

I'm a big fan of coincidences, those moments when you think, "Oh how cool is that?"

So what was it about my 7th Share a Christmas card that made me stop and go "Oh how cool is that?"  
(Actually it made me jump up and down with glee firstly; then I stopped and went "Oh how cool is that?"  
In my defence it was a very bouncy day for trollbead related glee - I had an email that morning to say that my leather bracelet had arrived at my local dealers, my second retired pink prism also arrived the same day and I got extra sale discounts when I went to pick up my stuff!)
Given how many people take part in the Share a Christmas card event I figured the chances of it being someone I knew to be very slim, the chances of it being another blogger even slimmer... so which lovely blogger drew me as one of their people to send a card to?  Coincidentally also posting the card on the day of my birthday?










It was the lovely Leann at!  So a big thank you to Leann for being part of making the 28th December a very bouncy smiley day indeed :)

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I love saying hi to people who've read my blog, or are just passing through via the A to Z, or anyone not a spam bot!

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